Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
4429. نكث18 4430. نكح15 4431. نكد17 4432. نكر18 4433. نكز12 4434. نكس204435. نكش13 4436. نكص16 4437. نكع10 4438. نكف18 4439. نكل20 4440. نكه15 4441. نكى5 4442. نلج1 4443. نلك5 4444. نم6 4445. نمأ5 4446. نمت4 4447. نمذج5 4448. نمر17 4449. نمس21 4450. نمش16 4451. نمص13 4452. نمط16 4453. نمغ9 4454. نمل19 4455. نمى6 4456. نه1 4457. نهأ8 4458. نهب17 4459. نهت9 4460. نهج18 4461. نهد15 4462. نهر20 4463. نهز16 4464. نهس18 4465. نهش14 4466. نهض13 4467. نهق15 4468. نهك15 4469. نهل15 4470. نهم16 4471. نهى9 4472. نوأ13 4473. نوب17 4474. نوت8 4475. نوث3 4476. نوح18 4477. نوخ14 4478. نور19 4479. نوس18 4480. نوش17 4481. نوص12 4482. نوط18 4483. نوع14 4484. نوف11 4485. نوق15 4486. نول14 4487. نون14 4488. نوه16 4489. نوى9 4490. نيأ11 4491. نيب16 4492. نيت4 4493. نير14 4494. نيس3 4495. نيط9 4496. نيك11 4497. نيل15 4498. نيلوفر3 4499. نينوفر1 4500. ه4 4501. هأ1 4502. هب5 4503. هبت12 4504. هبث6 4505. هبج13 4506. هبخ6 4507. هبد11 4508. هبذ7 4509. هبر12 4510. هبش12 4511. هبط20 4512. هبع8 4513. هبل13 4514. هبو11 4515. هت7 4516. هتأ6 4517. هتر18 4518. هتك15 4519. هث6 4520. هثر1 4521. هج8 4522. هجأ6 4523. هجب4 4524. هجد18 4525. هجر24 4526. هجس17 4527. هجع17 4528. هجل13 Prev. 100




1 نَكَسَهُ, (S, A, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. نَكْسٌ, (S, Msb,) He turned it over, or upside down; inverted it; reversed it; changed its manner of being, or state: (Sh, Msb: *) he turned it over upon its head: (S, A, K:) and he turned it fore part behind; made the first part of it to be last; or put the first part of it last: (Sh:) and ↓ نكّسهُ, (S, A, K) inf. n. تَنْكِيسٌ, (S,) signifies the same; (S, * A, K;) or has an intensive sense. (TA.) You say, نُكِسَ السَّهْمُ فِى الكِنَانَةِ The arrow was turned, or put, upside down in the quiver. (TA.) And it is said in the Kur, [xxxvi. 68,] وَمَنْ نُعَمِّرْهُ نَنْكُسْهُ فِى الخَلْقِ, or, accord. to the reading of 'Ásim and Hamzeh, ↓ نُنَكِّسْهُ; meaning, And him whom We cause to live long, We cause him to become in a state the reverse of that in which he was, in constitution; so that after strength, he becomes reduced to weakness; and after youthfulness, to extreme old age. (TA.) b2: نَكَسْتُ فُلَانًا فِى ذٰلِكَ الأَمْرِ (assumed tropical:) I made such a one to enter again into that affair, or state, after he had got out of it. (ISh.) [Hence the saying in the Kur, xxi. 66,] ثُمَّ نُكِسُوا عَلَى رُؤُوسِهِمْ (assumed tropical:) Then they were made to return to their disbelief: (Jel:) or (tropical:) then they reverted to disputation, after they had taken the right course by means of consulting together; their return to falsity being likened to a thing's becoming upside down: and there are two other readings; ↓ نُكِّسُوا, and نَكَسُوا; the latter meaning نَكَسُوا أَنْفُسَهُمْ: (Bd;) or (assumed tropical:) then they reverted from what they knew, of the evidence in favour of Abraham. (Fr.) b3: [And hence,] نَكَسَهُ, and نَكَسَهُ إِلَى مَرَضِهِ, (tropical:) It made him to fall back into his disease.] (TA, in art. هيض.) And نُكِسَ, (S, Msb, K,) or نُكِسَ فِى مَرَضِهِ, (A, TA,) inf. n. نُكْسٌ (S, Msb, K) and نَكْسٌ (TA, [but see what is said of this below]) and نُكَاسٌ, (Sh, K,) (tropical:) He relapsed into his disease, after convalescence, or after recovery, but not complete, of health and strength: (S, A, K:) or the disease returned to him; [he relapsed into the disease;] as though he were made to turn back to it. (Msb.) Yousay, أَكَلَ كَذَا فَنُكِسَ (tropical:) [He ate such a thing, and relapsed into his disease]. (A, TA.) and تَعْسًا لَهُ وَنُكْسًا, and sometimes one says, نَكْسًا, (S, K,) in this case, (S,) for the sake of mutual resemblance, (S, K,) or because نَكْسًا is a dial form [of نُكْسًا], (S,) [meaning, (assumed tropical:) May he fall upon his face, or the like, (see art. تعس,) and relapse into disease: or] may he fall upon his face, and not rise after his fall until he fall a second time: and in like manner you say, ↓ تَعَسَ وَانْتَكَسَ. (Msb, art. تعس.) [See also 8.] You say also, نُكِسَ الجُرْحُ (assumed tropical:) [The wound broke open again; or became recrudescent]. (S, in arts. عرب and حبط, &c.) b4: And نَكَسَ الطَّعَامُ وَغَيْرُهُ دَآءَ المَرِيضِ (tropical:) The food, &c., made the disease of the sick man to return. (K.) And نَكَسَ الخِضَابَ عَلَى رَأْسِهِ (tropical:) He put the dye upon his head repeatedly, or several times. (A, TA. *) b5: Also نَكَسَ [or more probably نُكِسَ] (assumed tropical:) He (a man) became weak and impotent. (Sh, in TA.) And نُكِسَ عَنْ نُظَرَائِهِ, like عُنِىَ, (assumed tropical:) He fell short of his fellows; was unable to attain to them. (TA.) b6: نَكَسَ رَأْسَهُ, and ↓ نكّسهُ, (TA,) [and نَكَسَ alone, (see نَاكِسٌ,)] and ↓ نكّس, (L, TA, art. بقر,) and ↓ انتكس, (TA,) [and in like manner ↓ تنكّس, said of a flower-stalk in the M and K, voce قِشْبٌ,] He bent, or inclined, his head; (TA;) he lowered, or stooped, his head; bent, or hung, it down towards the ground; absolutely; or by reason of abasement. (So accord. to explanations of the act. part. n., below.) 2 نَكَّسَ see 1, throughout.5 تَنَكَّسَ see 1, last sentence.8 انتكس quasi-pass. of نَكَسَهُ; (S, A, TA;) [and therefore signifying It became turned over, or upside down; became turned over upon its head; became inverted; became reversed; became changed in its manner of being, or state; it became turned fore part behind; its first part was made to be last, or was put last:] he fell upon his head. (K.) This last signification [understood figuratively] it is said to have in the phrase تَعَسَ وَانْتَكَسَ, a form of imprecation, meaning, (assumed tropical:) May he be disappointed, or fail, of attaining his desire: for he who is overthrown in his affair (مَن انْتَكَسَ فِى

أَمْرِهِ) is disappointed of attaining his desire, and suffers loss. (TA.) [See also 1, where this form of imprecation is differently explained.] b2: Also, i. q. نَكَّسَ رَأَسَهُ. (TA.) [See 1, last signification.]

نِكْسٌ An arrow having its notch broken, and its top therefore made its bottom: (S, A, K:) pl. [of pauc.] أَنْكَاسٌ (A, TA) and [of mult.]

نُكُسٌ. (A.) b2: A head, or blade, of an arrow &c., having its tongue (سِنْخ) broken, and its point therefore made its tongue: (K:) pl. أَنْكَاسٌ. (TA.) b3: A bow of which the foot is made [of] the head of the branch; as also ↓ مَنْكُوسَةٌ. This peculiarity is a fault. (K.) b4: A child such as is termed يَتْنٌ [born preposterously, feet foremost; but يَتْنٌ is an inf. n., and I have not found it used as an epithet anywhere but in this instance]; (K;) i. q. مَنْكُوسٌ; and mentioned by IDrd; but he says that it is not of established authority. (TA.) b5: (tropical:) Low, or ignoble; base; vile; mean, or sordid: See a verse cited voce أَشَّعَلَ: (A:) (tropical:) one who falls short of the utmost point of generosity; (K;) or of courage and generosity: (TA:) (assumed tropical:) weak; (S, K;) applied to a man: (S:) (assumed tropical:) short: (AHn:) pl. أَنْكَاسٌ. (A, K.) b6: See also مُنَكِّسٌ: b7: and نُكُسٌ.

نُكَسٌ, [app. pl. of نِكْسٌ,] (assumed tropical:) Old men tottering by reason of age (مُدْرَهِمُّونَ) after attaining to extreme old age. (K.) نَاكِسٌ Lowering his head; bending, or hanging, down his head towards the ground; [absolutely;] (S, K;) [or] by reason of abasement: (TA:) pl. [properly نَاكِسُونَ; (see Kur, xxxii.

12;) and sometimes] نَوَاكِسُ, (S, K,) used [only] in poetry, (S, TA,) by reason of necessity, (TA,) and anomalous, (S, K,) like فَوَارِسُ. (S.) ElFarezdak says, وَإِذَا الرِّجَالُ رَأَوْا يَزِيدَ رَأَيْتَهُم خُضُعَ الرِّقَابِ نَوَاكِسَ الأَبْصَارِ [And when the men see Yezeed, thou seest them depressed in the necks, lowering the eyes]: (S:) thus the verse is related by Fr and Ks: Akh says, that it is allowable to say نَوَاكِسِ الأَبْصَارِ, after the manner of the phrase حُجْرُ ضَبٍّ خَرِبٍ; [see art. خرب;] and Ahmad Ibn-Yahyà adds

ى in relating it; saying نَوَاكِسِى الأَبْصَارِ. (TA.) [See the remarks on فَوَارِسُ, pl. of فَارِسٌ.]

مُنَكِّسٌ A horse that does not raise, or elevate, his head, (S, IF, K,) nor his neck, when running, by reason of weakness: (IF, K:) or that has not reached the other horses (Lth, K) in their heat, or single run to a goal; (Lth;) i. e., by reason of his weakness and impotence; as also ↓ نِكْسٌ. (TA.) وَلَدٌ مَنْكُوسٌ A child [preposterously brought forth; whose feet come forth before his head. (A, Msb, and so in a copy of the S.) See also نِكْسٌ. b2: وِلَادٌ مَنْكُوسٌ [Preposterous childbirth] is when the feet come forth before the head; (K, and so in a copy of the S, [and that this is what was meant by the author of the S seems to be indicated by what immediately follows]) i. q. يَتْنُ. (S.) b3: طَوَافٌ مَنْكُوسٌ A circuiting of the Kaabeh performed in a way contrary to the prescribed custom, by saluting the black stone and then going towards the left. (Mgh.) b4: قَرَأَ القُرَآنَ مَنْكُوسًا He read or recited, the Kur-án, beginning from the last part thereof, (K,) i. e. from [the commencement of the latter of] the مُعَوِّذَتَانِ [or last two chapters], (TA,) and ending with the فَاتِحَة [or first chapter]; contrary to the prescribed mode: (TA:) or beginning from the end of the chapter, and reading it, or reciting it, to its beginning, invertedly; (K;) a mode which A 'Obeyd thinks impossible; and therefore he holds the former explanation to be the right: (TA:) each of these practices is disapproved, excepting the former in teaching children, [in which case it is generally adopted in the present day,] (K,) and [in teaching] the foreigner the [portion of the Kur-án called the] مُفَصَّل; an indulgence being granted to these two only because the long chapters are difficult to them: but if any one knows the Kur-án by heart, and intentionally recite it from the last part thereof to the first, this is forbidden: and if we disapprove this, still more is the reciting from the end of the chapter to the beginning disapproved, if the doing this be possible. (TA.) b5: مَنْكُوسٌ also signifies (tropical:) Suffering a relapse into disease, after convalescence; or after recovery, but not complete, of health and strength. (K.) b6: مَنْكُوسَةٌ applied to a bow: see نِكْسٌ.
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