Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
4059. مسأ9 4060. مستوتى1 4061. مسح22 4062. مسخ16 4063. مسد15 4064. مسك194065. مسل9 4066. مسى5 4067. مش5 4068. مشت3 4069. مشج15 4070. مشط15 4071. مشل6 4072. مشن8 4073. مشى4 4074. مص4 4075. مصت6 4076. مصح11 4077. مصخ8 4078. مصد9 4079. مصر19 4080. مصع14 4081. مصل12 4082. مض4 4083. مضح8 4084. مضر12 4085. مضرح3 4086. مضغ18 4087. مضف1 4088. مضى8 4089. مط4 4090. مطأ4 4091. مطث1 4092. مطر16 4093. مطق9 4094. مطل16 4095. مطى3 4096. مظ3 4097. مع6 4098. معت5 4099. معج11 4100. معد15 4101. معر13 4102. معز16 4103. معس10 4104. معص10 4105. معط15 4106. معق8 4107. معك15 4108. معل9 4109. معن18 4110. معى5 4111. مغث13 4112. مغج5 4113. مغد9 4114. مغر14 4115. مغس7 4116. مغص15 4117. مغط11 4118. مغنطس1 4119. مقأ2 4120. مقت15 4121. مقد6 4122. مقر15 4123. مقط14 4124. مقل17 4125. مكأ5 4126. مكت6 4127. مكث17 4128. مكد9 4129. مكر22 4130. مكس18 4131. مكن18 4132. مكو8 4133. مل4 4134. ملأ14 4135. ملب3 4136. ملت5 4137. ملث11 4138. ملج16 4139. ملح19 4140. ملخ12 4141. ملد13 4142. ملذ11 4143. ملز9 4144. ملس16 4145. ملص16 4146. ملط17 4147. ملع9 4148. ملق17 4149. ملك21 4150. ملى1 4151. من14 4152. منأ10 4153. منجن3 4154. منجنيق3 4155. منح16 4156. منذ10 4157. منع16 4158. منى11 Prev. 100




1 يُمْسِكُ الرَّمَقَ : see art. رمق.2 مَسَّكَ بِالنَّارِ : see ثقّب.4 أَمْسَكَ He retained; he withheld. (Msb.) b2: He maintained: he was tenacious, or niggardly. b3: He, or it, held fast a thing: and arrested it. b4: أَمْسَكَهُ He held, retained, detained, restrained, stayed, confined, imprisoned, or withheld, him. (K.) b5: أَمْسَكَ عَنِ الأَمْرِ He held, refrained, or abstained, from the thing. (Msb.) b6: أَمْسَكَهُ He grasped it, clutched it, laid hold upon it; or seized it, (بِيَدِهِ (قَبَضَ عَلَيْهِ with his hand: (Msb:) or he took it; or took it with his hand, (أَخَذَهُ,) namely, a rope, &c.: (Mgh:) or he held, or clung, to it: (TA:) [as also تَمَسكَ ↓ بِهِ]. Also, أَمْسَكَ بِهِ signifies [the same; or] he laid hold upon, or seized, somewhat of his body, or what might detain him, as an arm or a hand, or a garment, and the like: but أَمْسَقَهُ may signify he withheld him, or restrained him, from acting according to his own free will. (Mugh, art. بِ.) b7: أَمْسَكَ بَطْنَهُ [It bound, or confined, his belly (or bowels)]: said of medicine. (S, O, Msb, K; all in art. عقل.) b8: الإِمْسَاك, in relation to تَحْجِيل: see an unusual application of it in art. طلق, conj. 4.5 تَمَسَّكَ see 4 and 8. b2: تَمَسَّكَ بِحَبْلِهِ He held fast by his covenant: see أَعْصَمَ.6 تَمَاسَكَ He withheld, or restrained, himself: (PS:) he was able, or powerful; as also تَمَالَكَ, q. v. (KL.) b2: مَا تَمَاسَكَ أَنْ فَعَلَ كَذَا He could not restrain himself from doing so; syn. مَا تَمَالكَ. (S.) b3: تَمَاسَكَ It held together. b4: إِنَّهُ لَذُو تَمَاسُكٍ (assumed tropical:) Verily he possesses intelligence. (TA.) and مَابِهِ تَمَاسُكٌ (tropical:) There is no good in him. (TA.) See مُسْكَةٌ.8 اِمْتَسَكَ بِهِ He clutched, or griped, him, or it; i. q. بِهِ ↓ تَمَسَّكَ. (MA.) 10 اِسْتَمْسَكَ البَطْنُ [The belly (or bowels) became bound, or confined]. (TA in art. عقل.) b2: اِسْتَمْسَكَ بِهِ [sometimes] He sought to lay hold upon it. (Bd, in ii. 257.) b3: اِسْتَمْسَكَ: see an ex. voce صِرْعَةٌ.

مِسْكٌ [Musk: it is obtained from the muskdeer, moschus moschiferus; being found in the male animal, in a vesicle near the navel and prepuce.] It is masc. and fem. (IAmb, TA voce ذَكِىٌّ.) مَسَكٌ Tortoise-shell; syn. ذَبْلٌ: (K:) bracelets made of tortoise-shell (ذَبْلٌ), or of عاج [ivory]: (S, Msb:) bracelets and anklets made of horn and of عاج: n. un. with مُسْكَةٌ. (K.) مُسْكَةٌ Intelligence: (Msb:) or full intelligence, (K, TA,) and judgment; judgment and intel-ligence to which one has recourse; as also مُسْكٌ, not ↓ مَسِيكٌ, as in the K; (TA;) i. q. تَمَاسُكٌ. (Mgh.) You say, لَيْسَ لَهُ مُسْكَةٌ He has no intel-ligence. (Msb.) b2: لَيْسَ بِهِ مُسْكَةٌ He has no strength. (Msb.) مُسْكَانٌ : see art. سكن.

مِسَاكٌ or مَسَاكٌ A kind of needles: see مِدَادٌ.

مَسِيكٌ : see مُسْكَةٌ.

مَسَّاكاتٌ [in the CK, art. روض, written مُسّاكات,] Places, in land, or in the ground, to which the rain-water flows, and which retain it. (TA.) See ضَابِطَةٌ.

مُمْسَكٌ , said of a horse, white on both fore and kind leg on the same side: see مُحَجَّلٌ.

مُتَمَاسِكٌ Compact in the limbs, (TA in art. بدن,) or flesh. (TA in this art.)
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