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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
1242. دحر14 1243. دحرج9 1244. دحض17 1245. دحق9 1246. دحل11 1247. دحو91248. دحى3 1249. دخدر4 1250. دخر14 1251. دخرص7 1252. دخل18 1253. دخن17 1254. دد5 1255. ددن7 1256. ددو2 1257. در5 1258. درأ14 1259. دراقن1 1260. درب19 1261. دربان1 1262. درج18 1263. درد13 1264. درز13 1265. درس21 1266. درع18 1267. درق14 1268. درك18 1269. درن16 1270. دره12 1271. درهره2 1272. درهم11 1273. درى10 1274. دس4 1275. دست7 1276. دستبند1 1277. دستور3 1278. دسر17 1279. دسع13 1280. دسكر8 1281. دسم19 1282. دشت7 1283. دع4 1284. دعب16 1285. دعج13 1286. دعر16 1287. دعك10 1288. دعم16 1289. دعمص9 1290. دعو9 1291. دعى2 1292. دغر15 1293. دغص11 1294. دغفل7 1295. دغل16 1296. دغم15 1297. دف3 1298. دفأ12 1299. دفتر9 1300. دفر14 1301. دفع17 1302. دفق17 1303. دفل11 1304. دفن14 1305. دفو5 1306. دق6 1307. دقر12 1308. دقع14 1309. دقل16 1310. دك4 1311. دكن15 1312. دل4 1313. دلب13 1314. دلج16 1315. دلس14 1316. دلص9 1317. دلع12 1318. دلف15 1319. دلق17 1320. دلقم4 1321. دلك20 1322. دلم15 1323. دلمص4 1324. دله12 1325. دلهم8 1326. دلو13 1327. دلى3 1328. دم7 1329. دمث16 1330. دمج15 1331. دمر18 1332. دمع14 1333. دمغ19 1334. دمل17 1335. دملج13 1336. دملص3 1337. دملق7 1338. دملك8 1339. دمن15 1340. دن4 1341. دنأ9 Prev. 100




1 دَحَا, (S, Msb, K,) first Pers\. دَحَوْتُ, (S,) aor. ـْ (Msb, K,) inf. n. دَحْوٌ, (S, Msb, K,) He spread; spread out, or forth; expanded; or extended; (S, Msb, K;) a thing; (S;) and, when said of God, the earth; (Fr, S, Msb, K;) as also دَحَى, (Msb, K,) first Pers\. دَحَيْتُ, (K in art. دحى,) aor. ـْ inf. n. دَحْىٌ: (Msb, and K in art. دحى:) or He (God) made the earth wide, or ample; as explained by an Arab woman of the desert to Sh: (TA:) also, said of an ostrich, (S, TA,) he expanded, and made wide, (TA,) with his foot, or leg, the place where he was about to deposit his eggs: (S, * TA:) and, said of a man, he spread, &c., and made plain, even, or smooth. (TA in art. دحى.) b2: Also, said of a man, (K,) aor. ـْ inf. n. دَحْوٌ, (TA,) i. q. جَامَعَ; (K;) as also دَجَا; on the authority of IAar. (TA.) [You say, دَحَاهَا He compressed her; like as you say, دَجَاهَا.] b3: Also He threw, or cast, and impelled, propelled, or removed from its place, a stone, with his hand. (TA.) One says also, to him who is playing with walnuts, أَبْعِدِ المَدَىوَادْحُهُ, meaning [Make thou the distance far, and] throw it. (S, TA.) See also مِدْحَاةٌ, in two places. And of a torrent, one says, دَحَا بِالْبَطْحَاءِ It cast along [the soft earth and pebbles in its course; or drove them along]. (TA.) And of rain, one says, دَحَا الحَصَى عَنْ وَجْهِ الأَرْضِ (S, Msb) It drove the pebbles from the surface of the earth; (Msb;) or removed them. (TA.) [See also دَحَى, in the next art.] And الدَّحْوُ بِالحِجَارَةِ also signifies The vying, one with another, in throwing stones, and striving to surpass [in doing so]; as also ↓ المُدَاحَاةُ [inf. n. of دَاحَى]. (TA.) b4: مَرَّ يَدْحُو, inf. n. دَحْوٌ, said of a horse, He went along throwing out his fore legs without raising his hoofs much from the ground. (S, TA.) A2: دَحَا البَطْنُ The belly was, or became, large, and hanging down; (Kr, K;) and ↓ اندحى it (the belly) was, or became, wide, or distended: (MF:) or both signify it (the belly) became swollen, or inflated, or big, and hung down, by reason of fatness or disease; as also دَاحَ and اِنْدَاحَ. (TA in art. دوح.) 3 داحى, inf. n. مُدَاحَاةٌ: see 1.5 تدحّى He spread out, or extended, himself; syn. تَبَسَّطَ. (K in art. دحى.) You say, نَامَ فُلَانٌ فَتَدَحَّى Such a one slept, and [extended himself so that he] lay upon a wide space of ground. (TA in that art.) b2: And تَدَحَّتُ الإِبِلُ فِى الأَرْضِ The camels made hollows in the ground where they lay down, it being soft; leaving therein cavities like those of bellies: thus they do only when they are fat. (El-'Itreefee, TA in art. دحى.) 7 إِنْدَحَوَ see 1, last sentence.9 اِدْحَوَى [of the measure اِفْعَلَلَ for اِفْعَلَّ, like اِرْعَوَى,] It (a thing, TA) was, or became, spread, spread out or forth, expanded, or extended. (K.) دَاحٍ [act. part. n. of 1]. ↓ اَللّٰهُمَّ دَاحِىَ المَدْحُوَّاتِ, in a prayer of 'Alee, means O God, the Spreader and Expander of the [seven] earths: (TA:) المَدْحُوَّاتٌ [properly] signifies the things that are spread, &c.; as also ↓ المَدْحِيَّاتٌ. (TA in art. دحى.) b2: المَطَرَ الدَّاحِى The rain that removes [or drives] the pebbles from the surface of the earth. (TA.) أُدْحِىٌّ, (S, K,) [originally أُدْحُوىٌ, of the measure أُفْعُولٌ from دَحَيْتُ, but said in the S to be of that measure from دَحَوْتُ, the dial. var. دَحَيْتُ not being there mentioned,] and إِدْحِىٌّ and ↓ أُدْحِيَّةٌ and ↓ أُدْحُوَّةٌ, (K,) The place of the laying of eggs, (S, K,) and of the hatching thereof, (S,) of the ostrich, (S, K,) in the sand; (K;) because that bird expands it, and makes it wide, with its foot, or leg; for the ostrich has no [nest such as is termed] عُشّ: (S:) pl. أَدَاحٍ (TA in the present art.) and اداحى [i. e., if not a mistranscription, أَدَاحِىٌّ, agreeably with the sing.]: (TA in art. دحى:) and ↓ مَدْحًى [likewise] signifies the place of the eggs of the ostrich. (S.) [Hence,] ↓ بِنْتُ أُدْحِيَّةٍ

A female ostrich. (TA.) b2: [Hence also,] الأُدْحِىٌّ and الإِدْحِىٌّ (assumed tropical:) A certain Mansion of the Moon, (K, TA,) [namely, the Twenty-first Mansion,] between the نَعَائِم and سَعْد الذَّابِح; [more commonly] called البَلْدَةُ: likened to the ادحّى of the ostrich. (TA.) أُدْحُوَّةٌ and أُدْحِيَّةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in three places: b2: and for the latter, see also مِدْحَاةٌ, below.

مَدْحًى: see أُدْحِىٌّ.

مِدْحَاةٌ A wooden thing with which a child is driven along (يُدْحَى), and which, passing over the ground, sweeps away everything against which it comes. (K, TA.) b2: Accord. to Sh, A certain thing with which the people of Mekkeh play: he says, I heard El-Asadee describe it thus: المَدَاحِىّ and المَسَادِىّ signify stones like the [small round cake of bread called] قُرْصَة, according to the size of which a hole is dug, and widened a little: then they throw those stones (بِهَا ↓ يَدْحُونَ) to that hole; and if the stone fall therein, the person wins; but if not, he is overcome: you say of him, ↓ يَدْحُو and يَسْدُو when he throws the stones (إِذَا دَحَاهَا) over the ground to the hole: and the hole is called ↓ أُدْحِيَّةٌ. (TA.) [Accord. to Freytag, on the authority of the Deewán El-Hudhaleeyeen, A round thing made of lead, by the throwing of which persons contend together.]

المَدْحُوَّاتُ and المَدْحِيَّاتُ: see دَاحٍ.
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