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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
26. اثن1 27. اج1 28. اجر1 29. اجص2 30. اجل1 31. اجم132. اجن2 33. احد1 34. احن1 35. اخ1 36. اخت2 37. اخذ1 38. اخر2 39. اخو1 40. اد1 41. ادب1 42. ادر1 43. ادم1 44. ادو2 45. ادى1 46. اذ1 47. اذا1 48. اذر1 49. اذن1 50. اذى1 51. ار1 52. ارب1 53. ارث1 54. ارج2 55. ارخ2 56. ارز2 57. ارش1 58. ارض1 59. ارط1 60. ارف1 61. ارق2 62. ارك1 63. ارم1 64. ارى1 65. از1 66. ازب2 67. ازج1 68. ازر2 69. ازف1 70. ازق2 71. ازل1 72. ازم1 73. ازى1 74. اس1 75. اسب1 76. است3 77. استاذ1 78. استبرق4 79. اسد1 80. اسر2 81. اسطرلاب1 82. اسف1 83. اسفيداج2 84. اسك2 85. اسل1 86. اسم4 87. اسن1 88. اسو1 89. اسى1 90. اشب1 91. اشر2 92. اشف1 93. اشك1 94. اشن1 95. اصد1 96. اصر2 97. اصطبل3 98. اصطرلاب1 99. اصل3 100. اط1 101. اطر2 102. اطم2 103. اف1 104. افخ1 105. افق3 106. افك3 107. افل2 108. افه1 109. افيون1 110. اقحوان1 111. اقط3 112. اكد2 113. اكر3 114. اكف3 115. اكل2 116. اكم2 117. ال2 118. الا2 119. الب2 120. الت2 121. التُّرْكُمَانُ1 122. الد1 123. الف2 124. الق2 125. الك2 Prev. 100




1 أَجِمَهُ, with kesr, [aor. ـَ (Az, S, O,) inf. n. أَجَمٌ; (KL, PS;) or أَجَمَهُ, aor. ـِ (so in the K,) inf. n. أَجْمٌ; (TK;) [but أَجِمَ is the form commonly known; and if it were incorrect, the author of the K would probably, accord. to his usual custom, have charged J with error respecting it;] He loathed it; disliked it; was, or became, disgusted with it; namely, food; (Az, S, O, K;) &c.; (K;) from constantly keeping to it; (Az, S, O;) or because of its not agreeing with him: (TA:) he reckoned it bad: (KL:) and ↓ تأجّمهُ also signifies he disliked, disapproved, or hated, it; or he expressed, or showed, dislike, disapprobation, or hatred, of it; syn. تَكَرَّهَهُ. (TA.) A2: أَجَمَ فَلَانَّا, aor. ـِ (K,) inf. n. أَجْمٌ, (TK,) He incited, or urged, such a one to do that which he disliked, disapproved, or hated. (K.) 2 اَجَّمَ see 4.4 يُؤْجِمُ النَّاسَ, or النَّاسَ ↓ يُؤَجِّمُ, [accord. to different copies of the K, the former being the reading in the TA,] He makes men's own selves to be objects of dislike, disapprobation, or hatred, to them. (K voce أَجُومٌ.) [Accord. to the TK, you say, آجَمَهُ مِنْهُ, inf. n. إِيجَامٌ, meaning He made him to be an object of dislike, disapprobation, or hatred, to him.]5 تأجّم He (a lion) entered his أَجَمَة [or thicket]. (K.) A2: تأجّمهُ: see 1.

أَجْمٌ Any square, roofed, house: (K:) mentioned by ISd as on the authority of Yaakoob: but see أُجُمٌ as explained by J [in the S] on the same authority. (TA.) أُجْمٌ: see أُجُمٌ.

A2: It is also a pl. of أَجَمَةٌ. (M, K.) أَجَمٌ: see أَجَمَةٌ.

أُجُمٌ A fortress; (Mgh, Msb, K;) like أُطُمٌ: (Mgh:) pl. آجَامٌ. (Mgh, Msb, K.) الأُجُمُ [is the name of] A fortress (S, K) in El-Medeeneh, (K,) built of stones by the people of that city: and Yaakoob says that أُجُمٌ signifies any square, roofed, house. (S, Sgh.) Imra-el-Keys says, [describing a vehement rain,]
وَتَيْمَآءَ لَمْ يَتْرُكْ بِهَا جِذْعَ نَخْلَةٍ
وَلَا أُجُمَّا إِلَّا مَشِيدًا بِجَنْدَلِ [And Teymà, (a town so called,) it left not therein a trunk of a palm-tree, nor a square, roofed, house, unless raised high with stones: but in the Calc. ed. of the Mo' allakát, (p. 54,) for أُجُمَّا, we find أُطُمَّا, which has the same meaning]. (S, Sgh.) See also أَجْمٌ. (TA.) Accord. to As, it is also pronounced ↓ أُجْمٌ. (S.) أَجَمَةٌ A thicket, wood, or forest; a collection, (Mgh, Msb,) or an abundant collection, (K,) of tangled, confused, or dense, trees, or shrubs: (Mgh, Msb, K:) or it is of reeds, or canes: (S:) or a [place such as is termed] مَغِيض of water collected together, in which, in consequence thereof, trees grow: (S in art. غيض:) [or] it signifies also a bed, or place of growth, of canes or reeds: (Mgh:) the pl. is أَجَمَاتٌ and أُجُمٌ (S, M, K) and أُجْمٌ (M, K) and ↓ أَجَمٌ, (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) [or rather this last is a coll. gen. n., of which أَجَمَةٌ is the n. un.,] and إِجَامٌ (S, M, K) and [pl. of pauc.] آجَامٌ, (S, M, Mgh, K,) or the last but one is pl. of أَجَمٌ, (M,) and so is the last. (Lh, M, Msb.) And hence, The haunt of a lion. (TA in art. حرب.) b2: آجَامٌ [in the CK اَجام] also signifies Frogs. (Sgh, K.) [App. because frogs are generally found in beds of canes or reeds.]

أَجُومٌ signifies مَنْ يُؤْجِمُ النَّاسَ, or يُؤَجِّمُ النَّاسَ; [accord. to different copies of the K; see 4;] i. e. One who makes men's own selves to be objects of dislike, disapprobation, or hatred, to them. (K.) آجِمٌ Loathing, disliking, or regarding with disgust. (S, TA.) A2: مَآءٌ آجِمٌ i. q. ↓ مَأْجُومٌ [Water that is loathed, disliked, or regarded with disgust]. (TA.) مَأْجُومٌ: see آجِمٌ.
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