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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
3637. كرم21 3638. كرمح4 3639. كرنب6 3640. كره19 3641. كرى6 3642. كز63643. كزب8 3644. كزبر8 3645. كس6 3646. كسب18 3647. كسبر3 3648. كست7 3649. كسج10 3650. كسح17 3651. كسحب2 3652. كسد15 3653. كسر18 3654. كسط6 3655. كسف21 3656. كسق2 3657. كسل17 3658. كسو11 3659. كش4 3660. كشأ8 3661. كشب7 3662. كشث9 3663. كشح16 3664. كشر15 3665. كشط18 3666. كشف19 3667. كشك10 3668. كظ5 3669. كظب6 3670. كظر11 3671. كظم19 3672. كعب17 3673. كعبر7 3674. كعت11 3675. كعثب6 3676. كعدب7 3677. كعسب4 3678. كعك8 3679. كعكب2 3680. كعل8 3681. كعم14 3682. كعنب5 3683. كغد6 3684. كغذ3 3685. كف7 3686. كفأ18 3687. كفت16 3688. كفح13 3689. كفر25 3690. كفل22 3691. كفن16 3692. كفهر8 3693. كفى6 3694. ككب5 3695. ككنج1 3696. كل8 3697. كلأ16 3698. كلب20 3699. كلبث5 3700. كلت8 3701. كلتب4 3702. كلث3 3703. كلثب3 3704. كلج7 3705. كلح15 3706. كلحب4 3707. كلد10 3708. كلس12 3709. كلف20 3710. كلم16 3711. كلو5 3712. كم12 3713. كمأ13 3714. كمت15 3715. كمثر9 3716. كمح10 3717. كمخ12 3718. كمد16 3719. كمر12 3720. كمس11 3721. كمش14 3722. كمل18 3723. كمن16 3724. كمه15 3725. كمى4 3726. كن6 3727. كنب14 3728. كنبت5 3729. كنبث5 3730. كنت9 3731. كنتب3 3732. كنث5 3733. كنثب3 3734. كنخب3 3735. كند15 3736. كندث3 Prev. 100




1 كَزَّ, [second Pers\. كَزُزْتَ,] (K,) aor. ـُ (MS, TA,) inf. n. كَزَازَةٌ (S, A, K) and كُزُوزَةٌ, (A, K,) It dried, or dried up; or became stiff, rigid, or tough; and contracted. (S, A, K.) You say, كَزَّتْ يَدُهُ His hand became dry, or stiff, rigid, or tough, and contracted. (A.) b2: [Hence,] كَزَّتْ خُطَاهُ (tropical:) His steps were [contracted, or] near together. (A, K.) b3: [Hence also,] كَزَّتْ نَفْسُهُ and ↓ اكتزّت (tropical:) [His soul became contracted; meaning, he became niggardly]. (A.) And الرَّجُلُ ↓ اكتزّ (tropical:) The man shrank [from giving]. (K, * TA.) You say, فُلَانٌ لَا يَهْتَزُّ وَلٰكِنَّهُ يَكْتَزُّ (tropical:) [Such a one does not rejoice, or is not active, or prompt, and brisk, or cheerfully excited, to give, but he shrinks from giving]. (A, TA.) [كَزَزٌ (q. v. infra) seems to be an inf. n. of which the verb is كَزَّ, second Pers\. كَزِزْتَ, aor. ـَ in the sense of ↓ اكتزّ as explained above.] b4: كُزَّ He (a man) shrank, or became contracted, in consequence of the cold: (S:) or he became affected by what is termed كُزَاز: (A, K:) or he became affected by a rheum. (TA.) A2: كَزَّهُ البَرْدُ and الدَّآءُ [The cold, and disease, made him to shrink, or become contracted, and to be affected with a tremour]. (A.) b2: كَزَّ الشَّىْءَ, (S, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. كَزٌّ, (TA,) He made the thing narrow, or strait. (S, K.) b3: كَزَّتِ المَرْأَةُ دُمْلُجَهَا, (A, TA,) aor. ـُ (TA,) (tropical:) The woman filled her armlet with her arm. (A, TA.) 4 اكزّهُ اللّٰهُ God smote him, or afflicted him, with what is termed كُزَاز. (K.) 8 إِكْتَزَ3َ see 1, in three places.

كَزٌّ Dry, or dried up; or stiff, rigid, or tough; and contracted: (A, K:) pl. كُزٌّ. (K.) You say, يَدٌ كَزَّةٌ A dry, or stiff, rigid, or tough, and contracted, hand. (A.) And خَشَبَةٌ كَزَّةٌ A stiff, rigid, or tough, (TA,) or hard, (A,) and crooked, piece of wood. (A, TA.) And قَنَاةٌ كَزَّةٌ A hard and crooked spear or spear-shaft. (TA.) and قَوْسٌ كَزَّةٌ A stiff, rigid, or tough, bow: (S, A, K:) or a bow whereof the arrow does not go far, by reason of the narrowness of the former: (TA:) Aboo-Ziyád says, that the bow thus called is the smallest of bows: (AHn, TA:) pl. قِسِىٌّ كُزَّاتٌ. (A.) And بَكْرَةٌ كَزَّةٌ A narrow pulley-sheave, that makes a loud creaking (S, K) by reason of its narrowness. (TA.) And ذَهَبٌ كَزٌّ Tough gold: (A:) or very hard gold. (K.) And جَمَلٌ كَزٌّ A hardy, strong camel. (TA.) b2: رَجُلٌ كَزٌّ, (S, A,) and كَزٌّ اليَدَيْنِ, (S, A, K,) (tropical:) A niggardly man. (S, A, K,) of little beneficence, (TA,) and of little compliance: (A, TA:) pl. كُزٌّ. (S.) b3: وَجْهٌ كَزٌّ (assumed tropical:) A foul, or an ugly, face. (K.) كَزَزٌ Hardness and crookedness in a piece of wood, or in a spear or spear-shaft. (TA.) b2: (tropical:) Niggardliness, (K,) and littleness of compliance and of beneficence. (TA.) See 1.

كُزَازٌ (S, A, K) and ↓ كُزَّازٌ, (IAar, A, K,) or, accord. to Az, the latter is the correct form, and the former is vulgar, (A,) A contraction and tremour arising from cold: (A:) or a tremour arising from intense cold: (IAar, K:) or a certain disease arising from intense cold; (S, K;) being a spasmodic contraction so occasioned: or, accord. to the physicians, arising from the egress of much blood: (TA:) or a certain disease arising from cold, in consequence of which the patient trembles until he dies. (A.) كُزَّازٌ: see كُزَازٌ.

مَكْزُوزٌ Made narrow, or strait. (S.) b2: A man affected by what is termed كُزَاز: (S, A, K:) or affected by a rheum. (TA.)
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