Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
4510. هبش12 4511. هبط20 4512. هبع8 4513. هبل13 4514. هبو11 4515. هت74516. هتأ6 4517. هتر18 4518. هتك15 4519. هث6 4520. هثر1 4521. هج8 4522. هجأ6 4523. هجب4 4524. هجد18 4525. هجر24 4526. هجس17 4527. هجع17 4528. هجل13 4529. هجم17 4530. هجن18 4531. هجو12 4532. هد7 4533. هدأ14 4534. هدب19 4535. هدبد6 4536. هدج13 4537. هدر19 4538. هدف16 4539. هدل16 4540. هدم20 4541. هدمل7 4542. هدن19 4543. هدى12 4544. هذ7 4545. هذأ6 4546. هذب15 4547. هذر16 4548. هذرب4 4549. هذلم5 4550. هذى4 4551. هر8 4552. هرا7 4553. هرب17 4554. هربذ6 4555. هرت15 4556. هرث4 4557. هرج17 4558. هرجب6 4559. هرجل7 4560. هرح1 4561. هرد12 4562. هردب7 4563. هرس18 4564. هرش16 4565. هرشب3 4566. هرشف8 4567. هرطل5 4568. هرق17 4569. هرل6 4570. هرم18 4571. هرمت4 4572. هرن7 4573. هرنصن1 4574. هرى2 4575. هز7 4576. هزأ13 4577. هزب8 4578. هزبر8 4579. هزج16 4580. هزر15 4581. هزرب2 4582. هزع13 4583. هزل21 4584. هزلج6 4585. هزم18 4586. هزمج3 4587. هسب3 4588. هش9 4589. هشم18 4590. هصب4 4591. هصر16 4592. هض5 4593. هضب16 4594. هضم19 4595. هطل15 4596. هف5 4597. هفت15 4598. هق6 4599. هقب7 4600. هقر6 4601. هقع12 4602. هك5 4603. هل10 4604. هلب16 4605. هلبث5 4606. هلبج5 4607. هلت8 4608. هلث7 4609. هلج13 Prev. 100




1 هَتَّ, aor. ـِ inf. n. هَتِيتٌ, He (a بَكْر, or young camel,) uttered a sound resembling a squeezing of the voice (شبه العصر للصوت): you say, of a بكر, observes Az, يَهِتُّ, inf. n. as above; then, يَكِشُّ, inf. n. كَشِيشٌ then يَهْدِرُ, inf. n. هَدِيرٌ. (L.) b2: هَتَّ الهَمْزَةَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. هَتٌّ, He uttered the letter hemzeh. (L.) [See مَهْتُوتٌ.] b3: هت, aor. ـُ inf. n. هَتٌّ, He uttered, recited, or repeated, a speech or the like, with uninterrupted fluency; syn. سَرَدَ (S, L, K) and تَابَعَ. (L.) b4: [Hence] هَتَّتْ غَزْلَهَا, aor. ـُ inf. n. هَتٌّ, She spun her thread one part immediately after another: (TA:) she spun her thread continuously: (Az:) هَتٌّ signifies a woman's spinning thread continuously. (K.) A2: هَتَّ, aor. ـُ inf. n. هَتٌّ; and ↓ هَتْهَتَ, inf. n. هَتْهَتَةٌ; He broke a thing, (K,) so that it became reduced to small fragments, or particles: (TA:) he stamped upon a thing vehemently, so that he broke it. (TA.) b2: هَتَّ, aor. ـُ inf. n. هَتٌّ, He rent clothes. (IAar, K.) b3: Also, (assumed tropical:) He rent the reputation of another. (IAar, K.) A3: هَتَّ, aor. ـُ inf. n. هَتٌّ, He removed the leaves of a tree [by rubbing or scraping the branches]; syn. حَتَّ; (K [in the CK, هَتّ, is put for حتّ;]) i. e. he took them. (TA.) A4: هَتَّ, aor. ـُ inf. n. هَتٌّ, He poured out, or forth, [water, &c.] (K.) b2: هَتَّ المَزَادَةَ He poured out, or forth, [the contents of] the مزادة. (TA.) b3: هَتَّ شَيْئًا He poured out, or forth, one part or portion of a thing immediately after another. (TA.) b4: السَّحَابَةُ تَحُتُّ المَطَرَ The cloud pours forth the rain continuously. (TA.) A5: هَتَّ, aor. ـُ inf. n. هَتٌّ, he lowered (حَطَّ) a person with respect to rank, or dignity, in [the manner of] paying honour [to him]. (IAar, K.) [Comp. هبت.] R. Q. 1 هَتْهَتَ He urged a camel (زَجَرَهُ) on the occasion of drinking, by the cry هَتْ هَتْ. (AHeyth, K.) See هَتْ, below. b2: هَتْهَتَ, inf. n. هَتْهَتَةٌ; as also تَهْتَهَ; He twisted, or distorted, his tongue in speaking. (Az.) b3: Also هتهت; (and ↓ هَتَّ, TA, [aor. ـِ He was quick, or rapid, in his speech. (K.) b4: See هَتَّ.

هَتْ, (TA,) or هَتْ هَتْ, (K,) A cry by which a camel is urged (يُزْجَرُ) on the occasion of drinking. (K.) b2: إِذَا وَقَّفْتَ البَعِيرَ عَلَى الرَّدْهَةِ فَلَا تَقُلْ لَهُ هَتْ; or, as some say, فَلَا تُهَتْهِتْ بِهِ; [When thou hast made the camel to stand over the hollow in the rock in which the rain-water has collected, say not to him هَتْ]. A proverb; meaning, accord. to AHeyth, when thou hast shewn a man his right course of conduct, do not urge him. (TA.) b3: هَتُّ قَوَائِمِ البَعِيرِ The sound of the falling of the camel's feet [upon the ground]. (L.) A2: تَرَكَهُمْ هَتًّا بَتًّا [He left them routed, or broken asunder, and cut off;] he broke them asunder: or he cut them in pieces. (L.) هَتِيتٌ A sound. Occurring in a trad. as signifying a sound made by wine poured out upon the ground. (L.) A2: هَتِيتٌ and ↓ مَهْتُوتٌ A thing broken so as to be reduced to small fragments, or particles: stamped upon vehemently, so as to be broken. (TA.) هَتَّاتٌ: see مِهَتٌّ.

رَجُلٌ مِهَتٌّ, and ↓ هَتَّاتٌ, A man quick and voluble in speech; (S, K;) incorrectly, and vainly, or frivolously, loquacious; a great babbler. (TA.) مَهْتُوتٌ: see هَتِيتٌ. b2: الهَمْزَةُ صَوْتٌ مَهْتُوتٌ فِى

أَقْصَى الحَلْقِ [Hemzeh is a sound uttered (after a suppression of the breath) in the most remote part of the throat]. (Kh, L.) Sb applied the term المَهْتُوتُ to the letter ه, because of its weakness and lowness. (L.) b3: أَسْرَعُ مِنَ المُهَتْهِتَةِ Quicker than the quick-speaking woman. (IAar.)
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