1 هَدَأَ,
aor. ـَ
inf. n. هَدْءٌ and هُدُوْءٌ, He, or it, was quiet, or still, calm, or unruffled; (
K;) was motionless; was silent: (
TA:) [and so,
app., ↓ اهدأ: see مُهْدِئٌ.]
b2: تَهْدَى and هَادٍ occur for تَهْدَأُ and هَادِئٍ. (
b3: هَدَأَ عَنْهُ It [pain or the like] became appeased, and quitted him. (
b4: See 4.
b5: أَتَانَا وَقَدْ هَدَأَتِ الرِّجْلُ (
tropical:) He came to us when the foot (of the passenger by night) had become still. (
b6: اتانا بَعْدَ مَا هَدَأَتِ الرِّجْلُ والعَيْنُ (
tropical:) He came to us after the foot (of the passenger by night), and the eye, were at rest. (
b7: هَدَأَ بِالمَكَانِ (
tropical:) He stayed, abode, or dwelt, in the place. (
b8: هَدَأَ, (
inf. n. هُدُوْءٌ,
TA,) (
tropical:) He died. (
A2: هَدِئَ,
aor. ـَ (
inf. n. هَدَأٌ, (
i. q. جَنِئَ, He had a curving back, &c.: (
K:) or he had depressed and even shoulders, inclining towards the breast; not erect, or elevated: (
Lth, and others:) or he was humpbacked. (
b2: هَدِئَ It (a camel's hump) was bent by much lading, (
K,) and had its soft hair (وَبَر) sticking upon it, without its being wounded. (
TA.) 4 اهدأ He rendered quiet, still, motionless, silent. (
b2: لَا أَهْدَأَهُ اللّٰهُ May God not give him rest from his labour, or fatigue! (
b3: الصَّبِىَّ ↓ هَدَأَ, and اهدأهُ, [the latter only I find mentioned in one copy of the
S: but both are mentioned in another, as well as in the
TA:] He patted the child with his hand, and quieted him, that he might sleep: (
TA:) or,
accord. to
Az, اهدأتْ صَبِيَّهَا signifies She spoke soothingly to her child, and quieted him, that he might sleep: and مُهْدَأٌ is a child thus soothed. (
b4: Accord. to
IAar, مهدأ in the following verse of 'Adee Ibn-Zeyd, [quoted in the
S,] شَئِزٌ جَنْبِى كَأَنِّى مُهْدَأٌ جَعَلَ القَيْنُ عَلَىالدَّفِّ إِبَرْ signifies a child soothed in order that he may go to sleep. Others read it as an
inf. n. (
A2: اهدأ (
tropical:) He wore out a garment. (
b2: اهدأهُ اللّٰهُ God made it (a shoulder) to be in the state described in the explanation of the word أَهْدَأُ. (
b3: اهدأهُ It (old age,
K, or beating,
TA) rendered him what is termed أَهْدَأُ. (
K.) هَدْءٌ: see 1.
b2: أَتَانَا بَعْدَ هَدْءٍ مِنَ اللَّيْلِ, (
K,) and ↓ هُدْءٍ, (
K,) and ↓ هَدْأَةٍ, (
K,) and ↓ مَهْدَإٍ, and ↓ هَدِىْءٍ, and ↓ هُدُوْءٍ, (
K; the last is also an
inf. n. and
TA,) (
tropical:) He came to us after a period, or portion, of the night; (
TA;) or after about a third or fourth part of the night had elapsed, (
TA,) when men were asleep, (
S,) or at rest, and the night, and the foot of the passenger, were still: (
K:) or هَدْءٌ is the first third part of the night; from the commencement to the third, (
K,) when it begins to be still. (
A2: هَدْءٌ and هَدْىٌ (in which the ى is said to be substituted for ء,
TA.) Way, or manner, of life. (
A3: مَرَرْتُ بِرَجُلٍ هَدْئِكَ مِن رَّجُلٍ
q. هَدِّكَ: (see art. هد:) the latter is that which is commonly known and approved. (Ez-Zejjájee.) هُدْءٌ: see هَدْءٌ.
هَدَأٌ Smallness of a camel's hump, occasioned by his being much laden. (
K.) It is less than what is termed حنب [a word
app. incorrectly written, but which I am unable to correct]. (
TA.) هَدْأَةٌ Quiet; stillness; rest from motion; silence. (
A2: See هَدْءٌ, and أَهْدَأُ.
مَا لَهُ هِدْأَةُ لَيْلَةٍ, (
K,) mentioned by
Lh, but not explained by him: thought by
ISd to mean He has not a night's food: (and so
accord. to the
K:) i. e., what may quiet his hunger or sleeplessness or anxiety. (
TA.) هَدَأَةٌ A kind of run. (
K.) أَتَانَا هُدُوْءًا (
tropical:) He came to us after a sleep: (
S:) after men were at rest, and sleeping. (
A2: See هَدْءٌ.
هَدِىْءٌ: see هَدْءٌ.
هُدَّآءَةٌ A slender horse: (
K:) generally said to be a term peculiarly applied to the male only: but said by some to be common to the male and the female. (
MF.) هُوَ أَهْدَأُ مِمَّا كَانَ (
tropical:) He is more quiet, or more at rest, than he was: i. e., he is dead. From a
trad. Said by Umm-Suleym to Aboo-Talhah, respecting her son, to comfort the heart of his father. (
A2: أَهْدَأُ
i. q. أَجْنَأُ, Having a curving back, &c.: (
K:) humpbacked: (
S:) or a person having the shoulders depressed, and even, and inclining towards the breast; not erect or elevated:
fem. هَدْآءُ: you also say مَنْكِبٌ أَهْدَأُ a shoulder such as is described immediately above: and أَهْدَأُ a crooked man: (
Lth, and others:) also a shoulder of which the upper part is swollen, or filled with fat and flesh, and its strength relaxed. (
K: in some copies of which we read استرخى حيله: in others, حمله: [the former is the reading that I adopt].)
b2: هَدْآءُ (so in the
CK and a
MS. copy: in the
TA, ↓ هَدْأَةٌ, [which seems to be an error];) A she-camel having her hump bent by much lading, (
K,) and the soft hair (وَبَر) sticking upon it, without its being wounded. (
TA.) مَهْدَاءٌ: see هَدْءٌ.
مُهْدَأٌ: see 4.
مُهْدِئٌ Still; motionless. (
TA, in art. خمد.) مَهْدَأَةٌ State, or condition. (
S.) تَرَكْتُهُ عَلَى مُهَيْدِئَتِهِ I left him in the state, or condition, wherein he was: (
dim. of مَهْدَأَةٌ. (