1 جَهِلَ; (
S;) and جَهِلَهُ, (
K,) and جَهِلَ بِهِ (
JK) [and مِنْهُ (see جَاهِلٌ)];
aor. ـَ (
inf. n. جَهْلٌ and جَهَالَةٌ (
K) and جُهُولِيَّهٌ; (
TA;) He was ignorant; (
S;) he was characterized by جَهْل in any of the senses assigned to this word below: (
TA:) and he was ignorant of it; he did not know it; (
contr. of عَلِمَهُ. (
K.) You say, مِثْلِى لَا يَجْهَلُ مِثْلَكَ The like of me will not be ignorant of the like of thee. (
TA.) and جَهِلَ عَلَى غَيْرِهِ He acted in an ignorant or a silly or foolish manner towards another: and wrongly. (
Msb.) And جَهِلَ فُلَانٌ رَأْيَهُ [
i. q. سَفِهَ رَأُيَهُ, He was ignorant, or silly, or foolish, in his opinion, or judgment]. (
TA.) And جَهِلَ الحَقَّ He neglected the truth, or the right, or due; [or he ignored it;]
syn. أَضَاعَهُ. (
Msb.) See also 6.
b2: جَهِلَتِ القِدْرُ (
tropical:) The cooking-pot boiled vehemently;
contr. of تَحَلَّمَت. (
TA.) 2 جهّلهُ, (
inf. n. تَجْهِيلٌ, (
K,) He attributed to him جَهْل [or ignorance, &c.]. (
b2: And He caused him to fall into جَهْل. (
TA.) 3 مُجَاهَلَةٌ The acting with levity, and in an ignorant or a silly or foolish manner, with any one. (
KL.) [You say, جاهلهُ, meaning He so acted with him.]
6 تجاهل He feigned, or made a false show of, جَهْل [or ignorance, &c.]. (
K.) And ↓ جَهِلَ عَلَيْهِ He feigned ignorance [to him]. (
K.) 10 استجهلهُ He reckoned him, or esteemed him, جَاهِل [or ignorant, &c.]. (
b2: He, or it, excited him to lightness, or levity, and unsteadiness. (
b3: اِسْتجْهَلَتِ الرِّيحُ الغُصْنَ (
tropical:) The wind put the branch into a state of commotion. (
TA.) جَهْلٌ an
inf. n. of 1: Ignorance;
contr. of عِلْمٌ: (
Msb, *
K: *) [and silliness, or foolishness: and wrong conduct: (see 1:)] it is of two kinds; namely, simple, which is the non-existence of knowledge of that which should be known; and compound, which is a decisive belief not agreeable with the fact, or reality: so
accord. to Ibn-El-Kemál: or,
accord. to
Er-Rághib, it is of three kinds; namely, the mind's voidness of knowledge, which is the primary meaning; and the believing a thing to be different from what it is; and the doing a thing in a manner different from that in which it ought to be done: or,
accord. to El-
Harállee, the proceeding in dubious affairs without knowledge. (
TA.) It is said in a
prov., كَفِى بِالشَّكِّ جُهْلًا [Doubt is sufficient ignorance]. (
Msb.) And it is said in a
trad., إِنَّ مِنَ العِلْمِ جَهْلًا [Verily there is, among the kinds of knowledge, what is ignorance]: this is one's learning what is not requisite, and neglecting what is requisite; or a learned man's affecting, or pretending, a knowledge of that which he does not know. (
TA.) جَهِلَأءُ: see الجَاهِلِيَّةُ.
:جَهُولٌ see what next follows.
جَاهِلٌ and ↓ جَهُولٌ, [but the latter has an intensive signification,] Ignorant: (
K:) and silly, or foolish, in conduct: and wrong in conduct: (
Msb:) [characterized by جَهْل in any of the senses assigned to this word above:]
pl. جُهَّالٌ (
KL) and جُهْلٌ and جُهُلٌ and جُهَّلٌ and جُهَلَآءُ: (
K:) see جَاهِلِىٌّ. The former
epithet is mostly used in dispraise: but sometimes not in dispraise; as in the saying [in the
Kur ii. 274], يَجْسِبُهُمُ الجَاهِلُ أَغْنِيَآءَ i. e., The ignorant of their [real] state [would reckon them possessed of competence]. (
TA.) هُوَ جَاهِلٌ مِنْهُ means هو جاهل بِهِ, (
TA,) i. e., He is ignorant [of him, or it, or] of his, or its, state, or condition. (
b2: الجَاهِلُ The lion (
TA) that is ignorant of the prey. (
TA.) [In the
CK, وَالجَاهِلُ الاَسَدُ is a mistake for وَالجَاهِلُ الأَسَدُ.]
جَيْهَلُ: see جَيْهَلَةٌ.
A2: Also Great as an
epithet applied to a smooth rock (صَفَاةٌ). (
K.) جَيْهَلَةٌ (
K) and ↓ جَيْهَلٌ and ↓ مِجْهَلٌ (
K) and ↓ مِجْهَلَةٌ (
K) A piece of wood with which one stirs live, or burning, coals (جَمْر), (
TA,) or wine (خَمْر); (so in some copies of the
K;) of the
dial. of El-Yemen. (
TA.) جَاهِلِىٌّ [A pagan; a pagan Arab; one of those who are called collectively ↓ الجَاهِليَّةٌ; and sometimes ↓ مُخَضُرَمُون,
pl. of شَاهِدٌ: and particularly, a pagan poet;] a poet of the first, or earliest, of the four classes which are ranked in chronological order; of the class which was succeeded next by the مُخَضْرَمُون. (
Mz, 49th نوع.) [See also شَاهِدٌ.]
الجَاهِلِيَّةٌ: see what next precedes.
b2: [Also, or]
↓ الجَاهِلِيَّةُ الجَهْلَآءُ, (
K,) in which the latter word is a
corroborative, (
K,) as in لَيْلَةٌ لَيْلَآءُ
&c., (
S,) [The time, or state, of ignorance, or paganism; or of intense ignorance;] the time of the فَتْرَة [or cessation of the mission of apostles, and of the effacement of the signs of their religion]. (
JK.) One says, كَانَ ذٰلِكَ فِى الجَاهِلِيَّةِ الجَهْلَآءِ [That was in the time, or state, of paganism, or of intense ignorance]. (
S.) مَجْهَلٌ An affair, or an event, or a case, and a land, and a habit, a property, a quality, a practice, or an action, that induces a man to believe a thing to be different from what it is. (
TA.) A desert (مَفَازَةٌ) in which are no signs of the way. (
S.) And أَرْضٌ مَجْهَلٌ A land in which are no signs of the way: (
TA:) or in which one will not go aright (
TA) unless by means of the [signs of the way called] آرَام: (
pl. مَجَاهِلُ, which is the
contr. of مَعَالِمُ: (
accord. to the
K, it has neither dual nor
pl.; but it has both, as 'Iyád and others have affirmed. (
TA.) مِجْهَلٌ: see جَيْهَلَةٌ.
مَجْهَلَةٌ [A cause of, or an incitement to, ignorant, silly, foolish, or wrong, conduct;] a thing that incites one to الجَهْل. (
K.) Hence the saying, الوَلَدُ مَجْهَلَةٌ [Children are a cause of silly, or foolish, conduct]. (
S.) مِجْهَلَةٌ: see جَيْهَلَةٌ.
مِجْهَالٌ (
tropical:) A she-camel light, brisk, or agile, in her pace, or going. (
TA.) مَجْهُولٌ [Unknown]. You say, رَكِبْتُ المَفَازَةٌ عَلَى مَجْهُولِهَا [I ventured upon traversing the desert notwithstanding its unknown character]. (
b2: [A man of unknown origin. A book of unknown authorship.
b3: In grammar, The passive voice.]
b4: نَاقَةٌ مَجْهُولَةٌ (
tropical:) A she-camel that has never been milked: or that has no brand upon her: (
TA:) and (
tropical:) a she-camel that has never conceived. (
TA.) مُسْتَجْهِلٌ Making himself like the جَاهِل [or ignorant; feigning himself ignorant]: or reckoning, or esteeming, جَاهِل. (
Har p. 572.)