1 بَحَثَهُ,
aor. ـَ
inf. n. بَحْثٌ, He scraped it up; [as one who seeks to find a thing therein;] namely, the dust, or earth: (
L:) and he searched, or sought, for it, or after it, (namely, a thing,) in the dust, or earth; as also ↓ ابتحثهُ: (
TA:) thus each is made
trans. by itself: and authors often say, بَحَثَ فِيهِ [meaning he searched, or inquired, into it; investigated, scrutinized, or examined, it]: (
TA:) one says, بَحَثَ فِى الأَرْضِ he dug up the earth; and thus it is used in the
Kur v. 34: (
Msb:) but
accord. to the usage commonly known and obtaining, (
TA,) you say, بَحَثَ عَنْهُ, (
aor. as above, (
K,) and so the
inf. n.; (
Msb;) as well as بَحَثَهُ; (
L;) and عنه ↓ ابتحث; (
K;) [in some copies of the
K انبحث, which is said in the
TA to be a mistake; and ↓ ابتحثهُ; (see above;)] and عنه ↓ تبحّث; (
K;) and عنه ↓ استبحث; (
K;) and ↓ استبحثهُ; (
L;) [he scraped up the dust, or earth, from over it: and hence,] he searched, or sought, for it, after it, or respecting it; he inquired, and sought for information, respecting it; he searched, or inquired, into it; investigated, scrutinized, or examined, it; he inquired respecting it, and searched to the utmost after it; (
S, *
A, *
Msb, *
K; *) namely, a thing, (
L,) or an affair, or event. (
Msb.) You say also, أَخَاهُ عَنْ سِرِهِّ ↓ استبحث He examined his brother respecting his secret. (A in art. نبث.) 3 بَاْحَثَ [باحثهُ عَنْ أَمْرٍ,
inf. n. مُبَاحَثَةٌ, He searched, or inquired, with him into a thing; or investigated, scrutinized, or examined, with him a thing, or an affair: and particularly, in the way of disputation.]
b2: عَادَتُهُ أَنْ يُبَاحِثَ وَيُبَاهِتَ [His custom is to engage with another in mutual scrutiny of secrets, or faults, or the like, and in mutual calumniation, &c.: see 6]. (A in art. بهت.) 5 تَبَحَّثَ see 1.
6 تَبَاحَثُوا عَنِ الأَسْرَارِ They searched, or inquired, into each other's secrets. (A in art. نبث.) 8 إِبْتَحَثَ see 1, in three places.
b2: ابتحث also signifies He played with the dust, or earth, termed بحاثة; or at the game called البحثة. (
K.) In a copy of the
K, the verb is here incorrectly written انبحث. (
TA.) 10 إِسْتَبْحَثَ see 1, in three places.
بَحْثٌ, (so in the
K,) or ↓ بحِيثٌ, (so in the
accord. to
Sh, (
L,) A mine (
K) in which one searches for gold and silver. (
A2: Also the former, A great serpent; (
K;) because it scrapes up the dust or earth. (
TA.) البُحْثَةُ, (as written in the
L,) or البَحْثَةُ, (as in the
accord. to
Sh, (
L,) and ↓ البُحّيّثَى, (
accord. to
ISh, (
L,) A certain game with ↓ بُحَاثَة, i. e, dust, or earth. (
K.) You say, لَعِبَ البُحْثَةَ He played the game thus called. (
L.) إِبِلٌ بَحُوثٌ Camels that scrape up the dust, or earth, with their fore feet, backwards, (
K,) in going; i. e., throwing it behind them; or, as some say, with their feet. (
b2: البَحُوثُ, (
K,) or سُوَرةُ البَحُوثِ, (
L,) thus written in the
Fáïk, and if so, بَحُوثٌ is an intensive
epithet, applying alike to a
masc. and a
fem. noun, like صَبُورٌ; (
TA;) or,
accord. to some, سُورَةُ البُحُوثِ, (
pl. of بَحْثِ; (
TA;) a name of The chapter of the
Kur-án called سُورَةُ التَّوْبَةِ, (
K,) and البَرَآءَةِ; (
L;) [chap. ix.;] given to it because it inquires respecting the hypocrites and their secrets. (
L.) بَحِيثٌ: see بَحْثٌ.
b2: A secret: whence the
prov., بَدَا بَحِيثُهُمْ [Their secret became apparent, or revealed]. (
TA. [But in the
S, in art. نجث,
q. v., we find بَدَا نَجِيثُ القَوْمِ; and so in Freytag's Arab.
Prov. i. 159.]) بُحَاثَةٌ Dust, or earth, (
K,) which is scraped up from what is searched for therein. (
TA.) See البُحْثَةُ.
البُحَيْثَى: see البُحْثَةُ.
بَاحِثٌ [
act. part. n. of 1; Scraping up dust or earth: &c.]. كَالبَاحِثِ عَنِ الشَّفْرَةِ [Like him who is scraping up the dust, or earth, from over the great knife with which he is to be slaughtered,] is a
prov.: (
L:) and so كَبَاحِثَةٍ عَنْ حَتْفِهَا بِظِلْفِهَا [Like one searching for her death with her hoof]: originating from the fact of a ewe's digging up a knife in the dust, or earth, and then being slaughtered with it. (
L.) بَاحِثَآءُ Dust, or earth, (
K,) of the burrow of the Jerboa, (
L,) resembling the [hole termed]
قَاصِعَآء; (
K;) but it is not this:
pl. بَاحِثَاوَاتٌ. (
L.) مَبْحَثٌ A place, and a time, of scraping up or digging; of searching, inquiring, investigating, scrutinizing, or examining:
pl. مَبَاحِثُ. (
KL.) You say, تَرَكْتُهُ بِمَبَاحِثِ البَقَرِ (
K*) [I left him in the places where the wild oxen scrape up the ground]; meaning, in a desert place, destitute of herbage, or of human beings; (
K;) in an unknown place; (
K;) i. e., so that it was not known where he was. (