ظِمَخٌ, (K,) or ظِمْخٌ, (AA, TA,) A tree having the form of the دُلْب [or plane-tree], (AA, T, K,) from which is cut the wood of the beaters and washers and whiteners of clothes, which is buried, [and is used for tanning,] and which is also called عِرْنٌ, n. un. عِرْنَةٌ, and the spathe, or spadix, (طَلْع,) whereof is called سَفْعٌ: (AA, T:) and in the dial. of Teiyi, the fig-tree; n. un. with ة: or the sing. is ظِمْخَةٌ, and the pl. is ظِمَخٌ, sometimes contracted into ظِمْخٌ: (K:) and some say that it is the tree called سُمَّاق: (TA, and so in one of my copies of the S, in which it is written ظِمَخ:) it is also called ظنخ and زمخ and طمخ. (TA.)